Can eating fruit help lose weight -

31-01-2017 à 18:18:36
Can eating fruit help lose weight
I sit at a desk all day, than weight train at night for about an hour. 5-1% of your body mass each week is the most I would aim for. I would suggest 10-12 times your body weight as a starting point. 2 days ago I started the carb thing, and it cut my calories to under 1000. Lunch: a lean protein (ground turkey breast, grilled chicken), greens of some sort. It is possible to gain some weight if the majority of your increased calorie intake came from carbohydrates. Your body will conserve as much muscle as is required to function in your day to day life. It takes time and consistency to make it work. If so what do you think I should add and at what portion of carbs, fat and protein. Instead, follow healthy eating plans with plenty of physical activity and watch the pounds melt off naturally. I hired a personal trainer once I realized what had happened and doctors were making things worse by dropping my calories even further instead of listening. Do you think I am not eating enough to drop the weight. You first step is going to be to cut out processed foods. The first two weeks of the program I lost 5lbs, I am assuming just from eating healthy. I went to the doctor last weak and did all the blood work and everything came out normal. Here are a few pointers to get you steered in the right direction. Honestly I am hungry and tired and not losing weight or inches. I read in one of your articles that 100g of carbs is needed just to maintain body functions, so maybe I am defeating my efforts by not eating enough carbs to supply my workouts. I really think I am not eating enough calories. Most women lose a ton of weight by breastfeeding alone and eating whatever and little exercise. I now have a body fat of 27% with a weigh goal of 115. I am starting heavy at 280 and they reccomend 1900 calories. Hi Dawn, try doing some form of strength training and eating more food. In talking to my son last night and trying to figured this all out he mention I might not be eating enough. The extra muscle just expends unneeded energy that needs to be used for vital functions. By comparison, bodybuilder will eat upwards of 10,000 calories a day just to maintain their muscle, but their body fat % is very low. I mean, I make 2 different meals for me and my husband every day because he eats completely opposite as me. My diet varies from day to day but I eat a lot of eggs, fruits, almond butter, and whole grains. (The milk) before it was almost a quart a day. Breakfast: 1 cup Non-fat Greek yogurt with 1 cup blueberries. Do 3 high carb days of around 200 grams of carbs, and on low days eat around 50 grams. Without knowing your macro breakdown, I would add some protein and healthy fats to your diet. Do this stuff one at a time until they are habits. Consider a treatment, such as visiting a sauna or doing a body wrap. In long run i rather stick to whole foods. Your body is a smart machine and senses a large decrease in dietary energy. Eat whole foods and exercise until it has become a consistent habit. If I do 100% clean I can barely eat 1300 cal. I work with my trainer for an hour 3 times a week doing weight training I also do 45 minutes of cardio on those days. Be patient and consistent, and the weight WILL come off. It makes absolutely no sense that your body would eat muscle first when fat has absolutely no function. Finally put pieces together myself in Feb and increased my calories to 2000. Also remember that vegetables varies in the amount of calories as well. I want to loose 15 more lbs. I currently exercise 6 days a week, 30-40 minutes doing beachbody hammer and chisel. I have increased exercise to high impact dance aerobics five times a week with upper body weight exercises 3 times a week. It breaks down the muscle tissue and uses it for energy. I gained 5lbs of water weight (no idea why. I am scared that if I reduce exercise I will put on weight even at 1200 cal as I spend most of the day in front of computer. My body is in shell shock with all the exercise and not knowing how to eat. I have been eating around 1300-1370 calories daily and I am almost wondering if I am not eating enough. For the vegetables, the lower the caloric level the more you can eat for fullness and still have the carbs for your energy source. I plan to increase my calorie goals as you said, but would you mind giving advice to someone who has been overly restrictive for an extended amount of time how to safely increase food intake. You will get very far based on that formula alone. I hope you are not trying to count your calories for your exercise. Hi Jenny, that is very little nutrition, and I only count around 40-50 grams of protein there. You should be close to that number by just doing that. I want to loose weight, i am 36% fat and probably 30 lbs over weight. I sit at a desk most of the day so I have started getting up at %:30am for an hour or moderate paced walking 5 times a week. Should I just eat more of the foods that I already am. Hi Lori, 8 days is very little time to see any meaningful changes in your body. Slow and steady will always win with weight loss in the long term. I am doing c25k three times a week, walking on opposite days, and yoga every day. I need to lose about 80 lbs to be at a healthy weight. Make as many trips upstairs as possible, walk the dog three times a day, and dust, sweep, and mop with vigor. Especially in the beginning, your body makes a lot of adaptations in intracellular water retention and body composition. First I dropped pounds like crazy, was lethargic, cranky, and figured I needed more calories. Regardless of how busy you are, it is essential that you make time to exercise each day if you actually want to lose weight and keep it off. I am afraid of eating too little so I basically force extra calories on myself. Try raising your calories some, get in as many nutrients as possible, and your weight loss will start moving forward again. Not eating enough calories causes many metabolic changes. Question though- what about when you try to up your calories to fix it and you gain back crazy amounts of weight. Remember this: write what you bite, never miss a Monday at the gym and crap food is just not worth it. Hi Dorothy, try increasing calories by 500 for now and see how that goes. The weight gain comes from eating too many processed foods. While a combination of cardio and resistance training are important for overall body health, cardiovascular training. I have a job that I work 55-60 hours a week then I go home toy family for dinner and to go to bed, no time or will for exercise. No weight loss at all after 3 weeks of this adjustment. I use to eat like that all the time then my family forced the idea i need more to eat more and tastier foods, even tho to me it was so tasty. This week has been my first week of trying to eat healthier to lose weight. That is when I learned that weight loss is not as simple as eat less and move more like is often touted, and that its hard to force your body to make rapid changes without some sort of reaction. I increaased the cardio more HIITs) and add weight training with a pump program. Not sure. Stick to whole foods, eat enough protein and essential fatty acids, and then eat a carbohydrate intake that is commensurate with your activity levels. But without accurate weighing and logging it will always be wrong. I was only eating 2300 calories for about 2 weeks before the gain. Carbs result in more intercellular water retention because of increased glycogen storage. What your body is doing is not normal at all IMO. I am doing low-fat because I read that is the best diet to get rid of lower body fat. Potatoes, lentils and the such contain much more starch than other vegetables so education on the caloric levels of vegetables is extremely important. On the other three days I do HIIT training. I have big quads and strong arms but at the same time i see the fat in my thighs and arms and stomach. Be sure to count your calories, watch your portion sizes, and to never skip a meal. Either that or bring your calories to just under maintenance and work on changing your body composition with strength training. You always want to start high and then come down with your calorie intake. 5 pound a week. I am scared to eat more because I am sitting all day. Can u point me in the right direction or a website with a meal plan. Community Dashboard Random Article About Us Categories Recent Changes. Bring it up to 1500 and see how you feel over the next couple weeks. I stay really close to the my macros each day. I usually end up consuming around 1300 calories, but I feel hungry almost all the time. Prolonged calorie restriction causes reduced thyroid levels, reduced testosterone, lowered leptin levels, decreased muscle mass, and reduced energy levels. Are you counting calories correctly and weighing every thing. I have been staying at 2000 cal per day. I have been playing around with eating more calories because my body seems to have stalled. I have a similar situation and have no thyroid issues and mostly eat nutritional foods but am stuck unless I do the extreme and go below 1200 calories which is not recommended for long term. I have been trying to lose weight all summer starting around June 1st. Lunch: 2 egg whites, 2 cups steamed broccoli, 1 cup watermelon. Also I was told to drink half my weight in water. But when I enter my exercise into my fitness pal, it adds calories. I lost weight just fine eating 1000 calories a day. If you are hoping to lose weight and keep it off, you will have to do more than a condensed fitness program. Try drinking a glass right when you wake up. You need to use a computer program, Calorie King is great, but only for logging data. You will also give yourself the best chance to build muscle while you lose fat, which is what you should be striving to do. Instead, aim for a body fat percentage, and let your weight settle wherever that is. I had a year of eating relatively normal. Choose the stairs over the escalator and park as far from the store as you possibly can. I think one of the calculators must have overestimated quite a bit, but finding the sweet spot for calories is getting difficult. Other wise I have a pretty sedentary life. If this is relevant, I build muscle easily, then see results on the scale. Try to have the high days on strength training days. I want to go back to my ideal weight of 120-125lbs. Eating 1500 on avg calories a and going to the gym 2 hours a day 5 days a week. Unless you are extremely obese, I rarely see people need to go below 10 x their body weight in calories. They are an easy way to get in some extra calories when you already hit your carb and protein requirements. You are nearly running a marathon several times a week. You also need to do resistance training, no you will not get big muscles. Add in the extra exercise, and all of a sudden you have an extreme calorie deficit that is working against you. I also highly recommend that you do some form of strength training. I need help in fixing this mess and better understanding of what I need to do to get healthier and back to wellness and drop this unwanted weight forever. so back to delicious grass fed bison, and eggs, nice real cheese provolone, and herbs. To get down to your goal weight of 115lbs, you would need to lose a lot of muscle. The pump program is awesome and I finally broke the plateau and recently lost 2 lbs. I adopted a hyper-active Border Collie last Friday, and I began walking about 2 miles in the evenings with her, I started aerobic dancing every evening for 45 minutes, and cut my calories to 1256 as the LoseIt app for iPhone calculated what my intake should be. I started at 1200 calories, eat clean and worked out slowly with walking 3 miles, then hiking 3 miles, Aeropilates for resistance and core, and Turbo Jam for cardio. High fiber foods that are low on the glycemic index will help keep blood sugar levels steady and hunger under control. One might think they are on say a diet of 20 fat 40 carbs and 40 protein, at 1600 cal. I commented on your FB post yesterday about having fried my metabolism. Do this and you will loose 6 to 8 pounds per month. I have been eating whole grains and lots of fruit, water only (I have never liked soda) to drink, and one Shaklee Soy Protein complete meal that I drink for my supper (i eat breakfast and main meal at lunch). When I say 1500 calories it was 1500, if I miscalculated and ate 200 extra calories one day, I removed 200 calories the next. Even just 10 minutes a day can do wonders, and just about anyone can wake up 10 minutes earlier to do a bodyweight workout. I am pear shaped and respond quite well to exercises. I have been doing lots of reading and think I should be around 1400-1600 per day. I wish I would have realized then that I was simply creating too large of a calorie deficit and my body was compensating. I have been exercising 4 times a week doing high intensity cardio and then followed by some strength training. Remember that games like volleyball, tennis, and even Frisbee can help you burn calories while having a blast, making exercise a social and fun activity you will want to enjoy everyday. However I cannot seem to get below 127 pounds. If you need another 500, you can always add more back in. Found trainer in March and weight finally leveled off. I feel bloated and sluggish and have gained weight. Dinner: Cabbage soup, 2 cups steamed vegetables, 1 serving tofu. At your current size calories are going to have to be fairly low to lose more weight, especially if you only exercise 1-2 times per week. If you need more carbs, try adding them in after your workout. I started to plateau and had no weight loss for over a month from April to mid-May. I am cycling over weekend (between 100 -150 km) and in the week train on my trainer. I workout 6 times a week and eat about 25% protein. I tend to gain and lose muscle pretty easily. Weight loss and fat loss are not the same thing, and overly restricting your calories will slow your metabolism, and at the very least will negatively alter the ratio of fat loss to muscle loss during your weight loss. And once you get down to your essential fat zones, your body is forced to lose muscle by that point. The problem is most people want the weight gone, and they want it gone now. 15 grams of fat a day is very little. The best way to get into exercising is by picking exercises that you are actually going to do and, hopefully, enjoy. A lot of hunger has to do with how many calories you eat, and of course the types. I would take one of two approaches going forward. If you set a goal of 15% body fat, that would put you at a goal weight of 134lbs. I have been eating around 1,500 calories per day. When I started my journey to lose 100 pounds, my goal was to eat under 2,000 calories a day. If not, I would take a close look at what you can do. If you want to take it a step further, try moving your carbohydrate intake to around your workouts. I am 5.

You must count your calories correctly, this is the number one mistake. Keep doing this until you either start losing weight or you start gaining it CONSISTENTLY (ie over the course of at least 2 weeks). I would try increasing your calories some and see if that makes a difference. So to bump it up I went to a personal trainer who placed me on his body building diet, although in the last couple of months it has changed here and there it is under 1100 calories, appox 50% protein, 25% fat and 25% carbs. I eat 1c egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast. Your metabolism will slow to a halt in no time. Not only to necessarily grow muscle, but maintain it and allow your body to dispense with its fat stores. I had been working out at home and doing a 1200 calorie diet. I have an office job and compensate by lack of movement by running and walking everyday. by the way the other reason I exercise too much is to reliever anxiety. Being active, and about 26lbs over weight, what are my daily caloric needs. Do compound exercises (bench press, rows, pullups, deadlifts, squats, etc). You body can definitely tell the difference between processed and whole foods. I just want to feel a bit smaller particularly in the legs which feel bulky from all the running. Try a much more modest deficit, use the calculators here on Coach Calorie, and try for changes you can live with. I did my first fitness competition in Aug 2011 (bikini class). I haas been losing pretty consistently until about 275 then it stalled for about 2 weeks and now I am stalling at around 264. That will give you abs and a nice fit looking body. I started gaining rapidly, 30 lbs so far. Again, as the OP stated, muscle is MORE calorie dense and would demand you eat more. I am fine to lose 2 pounds per week (3 would be better but IO want to be realistic and healthy). My body is turning into a big jiggly blob and cant figure it out. Previous to this week I averaged eating only 1100 calories a day. Variety is the key to both promoting a healthier you and keeping you motivated. And yes, do not go that low on your calories. I am working on that stubborn last couple of pounds and am working to find the caloric means to defeat them. Snacks as need of apples, nuts, natural peanut butter, or cottage cheese. Take body fat measurements and put the scale away. I have lost 2 inches in chest, waist and hips and still, no weight loss. At this pace, it will ensure that the majority of your weight loss is coming from stored body fat instead of muscle. I was forced to up it to 1200-1400 calories a day and cut back exercise and I gained 20 lbs in 3 weeks. I ate about 1600-1900 calories a day when pregnant (after I stopped puking all day long-which, by the way, I still gained weight doing. Everyone wants what they want, and they want it now. I dont eat breakfast,rarely eat lunch and sometimes skip dinner. I thought by cutting my calories, I would lose weight but already my weight has stalled. Be realistic about the type of exercise you can do when starting a new program. Pls help me to figure out how much I should eat to lose fat. Probably should have eaten a little more being pregnant, but I gained 60lbs as it was, so no. Once you have them down we can start looking at macro breakdowns and other fun stuff. I have substantially cut carbs and calories and have been very good about it. My advice is to not get so caught up on your weight. Your body needs those nutrients to maintain and preserve muscle mass and to provide a metabolic environment that is conducive to fat loss. Many people drastically cut calories to lose weight, however, as this article states, that is a self defeating plan. My advice would be to read this article with an open mind. Try adding some healthy fats to your meals. I walk at 3. I am as well having a hard time even eating that amount with it being clean foods. I spend all my time free time exercising. Sorry just confirming, gross cals 2200 and net cals should be 1200 (2200-1000 from exercise). The first 100 lb took a year, the next 20 took 6 months and then just stopped altogether. Exercise uses calories, so you want to make sure you deficit is created (not too big) with the exercise added in. All together I burn between one thousand to 1800 cal per day and guess what. It will really help to reset many of your hunger hormones and can get your metabolism going again. Ok, I will definitely start my day with 10 minutes of strength training. To find your effective calorie intake you need to either. Once you have that down, you can start nailing down a good calorie intake. Your goal should be to eat as many calories as possible and still lose weight. My goal now, as a maintainer, is to eat around 1600 calories. In your opinion, do I need more calories. But eating any less or exercising any more than this I am afraid is not sustainable for long term for me so I feel stuck. People who are say 200lb and say they they eat,drink 1600 calories per day plus weight train and Cardio, 4 days a week and are not loosing weight have messed up badly, or are lying to themselves. Your stats will help determine that, but only through experimentation will you really know. My holistic doctor also did allergy test on me, very helpful. I run on high intensity 80% to 95% about 40 miles per week, I also do spinning classes 3 times per week which requires the same heart rate, I also do zumba at least 2 times a week, bootcamp once a week, and other 2 classes once a week. Keep them from whole foods and you should be fine. Depending on the intensity of your workouts, you may need more, but that is a personal decision based on your energy levels. I keep telling my trainer I need more calories as I have been at this so long. Helen, at your currently weight of 156lbs and 27% body fat, you have 114 pounds of lean body mass. Combine that up with whole foods, and the results will come. I eat a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese with pineapple a. Your large calorie deficit might work for a few days or even weeks, but eventually your body will wake up and sound alarms that it needs to conserve energy. I wanted to know if we are talking net calories or actual calories. I think the myfitnesspal and loseit apps calculated my caloric intake way too low. I am losing consistently 2. Do yourself a favor and increase your calorie intake by close to 1000 calories per day and keep them from whole foods. I want to do this the right way so that I can be healthy and sustain the loss. I know pricy but feel great, out of site out of mind and no more fears of facing it again to think it will help. Now I have a cup of my favorite beverage every other day. Write an Article Request a New Article Answer a Request More Ideas. A lot of people are allergic to wheat and or glutton, and dairy. I walk my dog 4 times a day about 20 minutes each. You need to develop healthy eating habits before you start focusing on the finer details of macros and calorie cycling. Should I be eating differently even though I have no time to workout. couple of times a day. Any advice or help would be so greatly appreciated. I work out hard 4 to 5 times a week with Crossfit and have been stuck at my currant weight. It will provide you a good starting point to adjust calories from. I am a hourglass. I just started walking early morning for an hour a day and nothin. I understand the healthy way to lose weight is to not lose more than 2 pounds in a week. Kym, what are you defining as no progress. They also put me some machine to determine how many calories I burn just by living and the number came out almost 1700 cal. However the last 3 months were spent bouncing between 189-192lbs and I was extremely frustrated so I gave up, I eventually ended back up to 260lbs. Liz, let me ask you a question to stimulate some thought. It took me 6 months to go from 185 to 165. Now add 80mins of exercise a day and that number goes up. I also biked 16 miles a day on hills to work and went swimming every other day. back up to 185. I started at 216 lbs and I am now at 213 and today is day 6. Make 30 minutes in the morning a dedicated strength training time. Your body needs the fat, wants the fat, and the muscle can be spared. Why not bump them up some and see what happens. I keep my macros within these type meals. I saw weight coming off and toning up like I have never before in my upper body (not so much in the buttocks, hips and thighs). Lastly, consider a diet, such as the Mediterrean diet or the paleo diet, but make sure that it is right for you. It is not uncommon for people to put on weight after starting a strenuous workout program. Cycle your carbs between low and high days. Without it, it becomes that much harder to maintain, let alone put on muscle mass. My BMR is like 2280 and I was eating 1500 cals a day. I can track my calories and macros very accurately, to 20 calories out of 1600. Eat more food. Weight and resistance training do not lead to immediate weight loss, but can trigger your metabolism to use energy more efficiently. Having this refeed has many benefits and can keep the weight loss moving forward. I use my fitness pal so I can attempt to have an idea of the calories I am eating in a day. However, 5 months in and still no progress. Went to dr who discovered Testosterone in single digits, she thought early menopause. I upped it, but have had to force myself to eat. Snack: 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 1 laughing cow wedge. Crossfit can burn a lot of cals, and at your weight, you could need more cals. Currently consuming between 800-1000 calories a day (5-6 small meals). I doubled my intake to get to 1500 calories and since I eat whole foods that is a lot of food. I thought my net cal number was supposed to be a negative number. I would start eating 2000 calories, and if your weight still does not go down, increase it another 500. That is a lot of exercise being fueled by very little nutrition. Fat is there for a reason: extra energy in case there IS a famine. I went from about 150 to 129 pounds and kept it off to this day. But with all the food we eat or all the exercise we do, we still tend to gain weight no matter what. Sometimes I still go swimming if someone can babysit and my husband can come and I walk alot on my off days and even on the days I go to the gym as well. Before, I got down to my goal weight by just consuming about or over 1,500 calories and not exercising. Previous to (8 weeks ago) starting healthy eating and exercise I very often would not eat for the first time until 2pm- I did this for years and years. Eating too few calories also restricts your ability to eat a nutrient dense diet. I dont feel I need to be eating more, but the weight does not change. I would increase it to at least 1500 for a while. When upping your calories is it normal to gain a bit of weight before beginning to lose it. last week alone my deficit was 1300 and still I am not loosing weight. My weight never did get below 133, but I was much, much leaner than I am now. Instead, try out different exercises until you find a few that you really love, like swimming, biking, or even Zumba. ALso what % or carbs, fats ect should I be taking in. When most people start dieting, they slash their calories and add a large amount of exercise to their daily routine. Hopefully you were eating clean proteins and carbs. Hi Ashley, I personally would have started my calories out a bit higher (maybe 1800) and adjusted from there. 0 tall, well short, lol, 152 lbs but i have naturally a muscular body. 5 mph for 45 minutes 3 days a week, I do HIIT for 40 minutes 3 days and weight training for 3 one hour sessions. You probably burn close to 1000 calories during one of your runs. I have a desk job and according to myfitnesspal, for my goal, I should be consuming 1400 calories. Neurotransmitter production is limited, which can lead to a lack of motivation. It is so frustrating and depressing to work so hard and not see any difference and all articles I read say something different. I am using my fitness pal every day to track calories and exercise. You are going low carb, and fairly low fat. Gym: 4 days per week, 20 min on a cross trainer with some HIT, 40 min weights, you should put in enough effort to walk out after an hour feeling buggered, if not you did not work hard enough. After all, you could eat 0 calories, but does that mean you should. Try cutting out some of the grains and fruits and replace them with vegetables. Per exercise I burn anywhere from 250-450 calories, depending on which exercise. Exercise daily, set realistic goals, and keep up the cardio. I have been following this for about 2 weeks and have lost 3 pounds, I was just curious if my calorie intake was correct for my goal and what I could do to not feel hungry all the time. Just wondering how soon I might feel better so that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have seen results with healthier eating but have hypothyroidism, which makes it even harder to lose weight. meaning i loose and gain weigh evenly. I am worried about my calories. I am eating a lot of eggs, fruits and vegetables, but what could I eat to ease the hunger. I upped my calories to about 2300 but gained 5 pounds. Losing. When you do the same exercise day in and day out, you put yourself at a higher risk of injuring yourself. So, what does your body do when it senses prolonged energy restriction. Aside from that I have a desk job and have little to no activity during the day. I have hypothyroidism and have no appetite what so ever but cant seem to lose weight. when i changed i gained weight and wow i got depressed and still am, with goal lose the 6 pounds i put on my food is now back to what i love most whole foods. On another note, my weight either stays the same or goes up. Looking back I probably could have dropped that 60lbs in 6-8 months, and gotten past my plateau and down to my more ideal weight, had I just tried to take a more reasonable approach. I never add back exercise, and make sure I get enough protein at 1 gram per lb lean body mass. Your body is likely very efficient at using the few calories it gets. Cardio 30-45 min depending on intensity 4-5 days per week (usually a spin class) and weight train 4 days per week, free weights and machines. I am training for a half marathon and am running 12-16km 3-4 times a week and walk every other day. This business of starving, and huge drop in metabolism is bull, the drop might be only 5% at any rate if one is worried about that, just refeed an extra 1200 calories in carbs, once every ten days.

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does eating fruit help lose weight
Can eating fruit help lose weight

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